Increasing and sustaining earned income is a vital part of any organisation’s business plan. However, not all charities, third sector organisations or community groups can afford a full-time professional Fundraiser or Development Team. This is where Freckle can help.


We can add value to your fundraising activity. We work with you to assess and develop your fundraised income from individuals, corporates and trusts.

Calling on 20 years’ experience, we provide a range of services for your revenue and capital needs, such as:

    • conducting a fundraising Audit to ensure all income streams are optimised and if not, develop a specific action plan;
    • supporting you to devise and implement an effective Fundraising Strategy;
    • developing a convincing Case for Support for your charitable work;
    • writing Trust and Foundation Applications – including follow up support with reporting;
    • enabling you to develop Other Income Streams – such as Memberships, Campaigns, Sponsorship and Events; and/or
    • providing Board & Staff Training and support – so that fundraising is embedded throughout your organisation for a sustainable future.

Freckle can work with you, to understand your current fundraising position and why people should support your work – further details can be found here.

The first step is to say hello.