No one has ever become poor by giving

Anne Frank (1929-1945: German-Dutch diarist or Jewish origin



Together, we can realise your fundraising potential.

    1. Fundraising Audit – understanding your current fundraising position and how you got there.
      Freckle will take an outsider’s eye to your earned income, resources for delivery and capacity for growth. We will then present the pros and cons for continuing or developing them. Tweaks to your processes can be big or small – the important thing is that you are open to change. The worst phrase in the English language is… but we’ve always done it like that!
    2. Fundraising Strategy – a comprehensive and effective plan outlining the steps required to develop your fundraising activity.The strategy will consider audit results, recent local trends, current economic climate and resources available (existing or to be acquired).  The strategy will also enable you to identify gaps in knowledge, resources, training and  implementation – all of which can be covered by follow up support from Freckle.
    3. Case for Support – this document summarises why an individual, corporate or trust should support your work. Its focus will vary, depending on the type of target donor, but contains details about the impact of your work. You care deeply about your audiences, participants and beneficiaries, but why should anyone else – and why should they financially support your organisation? Freckle can guide you through the process to make sure your fundraising activity has a strong base from which to grow and flourish.

These three business planning activities enable you to target your fundraising – so that you make the right ‘ask’ to the right potential donor at the right time. Freckle can work with you to identify who your potential donors might be – and further details can be found here.

The first step is to say hello.